To modify
- Tail
- Departure Times
- Other Quote values
Update quote request
PUT api/external/quote/:quoteReference
Update Bookings
PUT api/external/quote/book/:bookingReference
You can change the tail for the whole booking or for every specific leg.
If you modify the departure time, you need to make sure to update the arrival time too since FL3XX only calculates it at the first time.
Create Flights
To create POS flights
POST api/external/quote/book/
You can create a positioning flight by creating a booking and setting pax to 0.
To add, update, delete positioning leg to a booking
POST api/external/leg/:bookingReference
DELETE api/external/leg/:bookingReference/:flightID
PUT api/external/leg/:bookingReference/:flightID
PUT api/external/quote/book/:bookingReference
Updated 2 months ago