With this endpoint, you can read the roaster of your staff between two dates.

GET ​/api​/external​/staff​/roster

The correct format for the date time is: 2022-03-03T21:00

Optional parameter: includeFlights which is false by default

You will find a data point called “entries” for every returned user, which is a list of all crew activities.

Every “entries”  in the list contain the “type” data point which is the Duty code.

Both “entries” and “flights” contains the scheduled flights for the selected crew member

If the flight's array and entries array is empty, it means that there are no scheduled flights or activities for this staff member in that selected period of time.

    "staff": [
            "user": {...},
            "flights": [],
            "entries": []

User Payload

This data will refer to the crew member FL3XX Person user with his FL3XX Account ( "account") data.

"user": {
		  "account": {
          "accountNumber": "string",
          "accountid": 0,
          "address": {},
          "email": "string",
          "externalReference": "string",
          "internalId": 0,
          "mobile": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "notes": "string",
          "phone": "string",
          "vatNumber": "string"
		  "acronym": "string",
		  "address": {...},
		  "birthDate": "2023-05-05",
		  "birthPlace": "string",
		  "documentExpiration": "2023-05-05",
		  "documentExternalReference": 0,
		  "documentNumber": "string",
		  "documentType": "PASSPORT",
		  "email": "string",
		  "externalReference": "string",
		  "firstName": "string",
		  "gender": "FEMALE",
		  "internalId": 0,
		  "issueCountry": "string",
		  "issueDate": "2023-05-05",
		  "lastName": "string",
		  "logName": "string",
		  "mobile": "string",
		  "nationality": "string",
		  "personnelNumber": "string",
		  "phone": "string",
		  "salutation": "Mr",
		  "siflType": "CONTROL",
		  "status": "ACTIVE",
		  "weight": 0

Entries Payload

"entries": [
			"actualFrom": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"actualTo": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"aircraft": {...},
			"aircraftEngineConfig": "SINGLE_ENGINE",
			"aircraftVariant": "string",
			"airport": {
			  "aid": "string",
			  "faa": "string",
			  "iata": "string",
			  "icao": "string",
			  "id": 0,
			  "localIdentifier": "string",
			  "name": "string"
			"approvingDate": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"approvingUser": {...},
			"beginsDutyPeriod": true,
			"countsAsDutyTime": true,
			"endsDutyPeriod": true,
			"externalAircraft": "string",
			"flightNumber": "string",
			"from": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"fromAirport": {
			  "aid": "string",
			  "faa": "string",
			  "iata": "string",
			  "icao": "string",
			  "id": 0,
			  "localIdentifier": "string",
			  "name": "string"
			"hold": true,
			"id": 0,
			"landing": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"nonPrecision": 0,
			"notes": "string",
			"numberOfLandings": 0,
			"numberOfLandingsNight": 0,
			"numberOfTakeOffs": 0,
			"numberOfTakeOffsNight": 0,
			"operationType": "COMMERCIAL",
			"operationalCondition": "IFR",
			"pilotFlightType": "SINGLE_PILOT",
			"precision": 0,
			"relatedBooking": "string",
			"requestApproved": true,
			"requestStatus": "string",
			"requestedOn": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"role": "CMD",
			"splitDutyBreakEnd": true,
			"splitDutyBreakStart": true,
			"subtype": "EARLY",
			"takeoff": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"to": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"toAirport": {
			  "aid": "string",
			  "faa": "string",
			  "iata": "string",
			  "icao": "string",
			  "id": 0,
			  "localIdentifier": "string",
			  "name": "string"
			"travelDocuments": [],
			"type": "string",
			"typeRating": "string",
			"visual": true

actualFrom (String): The start time of the staff's duty period in ISO 8601 format.

actualTo (String): The end time of the staff's duty period in ISO 8601 format.

aircraft (Object): Details about the aircraft the staff member is operating.

  • tailNumber (String): Tail number of the aircraft.
  • ambulance (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is equipped with ambulance facilities.
  • cabinHeight (Number): The height of the aircraft cabin.
  • cabinLength (Number): The length of the aircraft cabin.
  • cabinWidth (Number): The width of the aircraft cabin.
  • cargo (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is capable of transporting cargo.
  • category (String): The category of the aircraft, e.g., "PISTON".
  • equipment (Object): Detailed information about the equipment on the aircraft.
    • baggageVolume (Number): The total volume of baggage the aircraft can carry.
    • cd_dvd (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is equipped with a CD/DVD player.
    • coffeePot (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has a coffee pot.
    • enclosedLavatory (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has an enclosed lavatory.
    • entertainmentSystem (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is equipped with an entertainment system.
    • espresso (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has an espresso machine.
    • golfBags (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has space for golf bags.
    • headsets (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft provides headsets.
    • iceBin (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has an ice bin.
    • lavatory (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has a lavatory.
    • maxWeight (Number): The maximum weight the aircraft can carry, including passengers and cargo.
    • microwaveOven (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has a microwave oven.
    • petsAllowed (Boolean): Indicates if pets are allowed on the aircraft.
    • satPhone (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is equipped with a satellite phone.
    • satTV (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has satellite TV.
    • skiTube (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has a ski tube.
    • smokingAllowed (Boolean): Indicates if smoking is allowed on the aircraft.
    • standardSuitcases (Number): The number of standard suitcases the aircraft can carry.
    • tv (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is equipped with a TV.
    • v110 (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has 110V power outlets.
    • v230 (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has 230V power outlets.
    • warmingOven (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft has a warming oven.
    • wifi (Boolean): Indicates if the aircraft is equipped with WiFi.
  • externalHeight (Number): The external height of the aircraft in meters.
  • externalLength (Number): The external length of the aircraft in meters.
  • flightNumberToken (String): The flight number associated with the staff's duty.
  • homebase (String): The home base of the aircraft.
  • keyAccountManager (Object): Details of the key account manager for the staff member.
    • account (Object): The account details for the key account manager.
      • accountNumber (String): The account number of the key account manager.
      • accountid (Number): The unique ID associated with the account.
      • address (Object): The address details of the account.
      • email (String): The email address associated with the account.
      • externalReference (String): An external reference number associated with the account.
      • internalId (Number): The internal ID number associated with the account.
      • mobile (String): The mobile number associated with the account.
      • name (String): The name associated with the account.
      • notes (String): Any notes or additional information related to the account.
      • phone (String): The phone number associated with the account.
      • vatNumber (String): The VAT number associated with the account.
    • acronym (String): The acronym of the key account manager's name or position.
    • birthDate (String): The birth date of the key account manager in ISO 8601 format.
    • birthPlace (String): The place of birth of the key account manager.
    • documentExpiration (String): The expiration date of the key account manager's document (e.g., passport) in ISO 8601 format.
    • documentExternalReference (Number): An external reference number associated with the document.
    • documentNumber (String): The number of the document (e.g., passport number).
    • documentType (String): The type of the document (e.g., "PASSPORT").
    • gender (String): MALE or FEMALE
    • internalId (Number): Internal identification number for the key account manager.
    • issueCountry (String): Country that issued the key account manager's identification document.
    • issueDate (String): ISO 8601 date when the key account manager's identification document was issued.
    • lastName (String): Last name of the key account manager.
    • logName (String): Log name for the key account manager.
    • mobile (String): Mobile phone number of the key account manager.
    • nationality (String): Nationality of the key account manager.
    • personnelNumber (String): Personnel number of the key account manager.
    • phone (String): Phone number of the key account manager.
    • salutation (String): Salutation for the key account manager, e.g., "Mr".
    • siflType (String): SIFL (Standard Industry Fare Level) type. This value is typically "CONTROL".
    • status (String): Current status of the key account manager, e.g., "ACTIVE".
    • weight (Number): Weight of the key account manager, possibly used for load balancing in aircraft.
  • layout (Object): Information about the aircraft's crew layout.
    • cabinCrew (Number): Number of cabin crew members.
    • flightCrew (Number): Number of flight crew members.
    • onboardEngineer (Number): Number of onboard engineers.
  • cabinCrew (Number): Number of cabin crew members in the layout.
  • flightCrew (Number): Number of flight crew members in the layout.
  • onboardEngineer (Number): Number of onboard engineers in the layout.
  • maxFuel (Number): Maximum fuel capacity of the aircraft.
  • model (String): Model of the aircraft.
  • numberOfSeats (Number): Number of seats in the aircraft.
  • subcharter (Boolean): Indicates whether the aircraft is subchartered.
  • type (String): Type of the aircraft.
  • typeName (String): Name of the aircraft type.
  • typeOfUse (String): Purpose for which the aircraft is used, e.g., "CHARTER".
  • typeRating (String): Type rating of the aircraft.
  • wingSpan (Number): Wingspan of the aircraft.

aircraftEngineConfig (String): Configuration of the aircraft's engine, e.g., "SINGLE_ENGINE".

aircraftVariant (String): Variant of the aircraft.

airport (Object): Information about the airport.

  • aid (String): Airport identification.
  • faa (String): FAA code for the airport.
  • iata (String): IATA code for the airport.
  • icao (String): ICAO code for the airport.
  • id (Number): Unique identifier for the airport.
  • localIdentifier (String): Local identifier for the airport.
  • name (String): Name of the airport.

approvingDate (String): ISO 8601 timestamp of when the entry was approved.

approvingUser (Object): User who approved the entry.

beginsDutyPeriod (Boolean): Indicates if the entry marks the beginning of a duty period.

countsAsDutyTime (Boolean): Indicates if the entry counts towards duty time.

endsDutyPeriod (Boolean): Indicates whether the entry marks the end of a duty period.

externalAircraft (String): External reference to the aircraft.

flightNumber (String): The number of the flight.

from (String): ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the start time of the flight.

fromAirport (Object): Contains various details about the departure airport.

hold (Boolean): Indicates whether the aircraft is on hold.

id (Number): The unique identifier for the roster entry.

landing (String): ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the landing time of the flight.

nonPrecision (Number): Non-precision approach count.

notes (String): Any additional notes or comments about the roster entry.

numberOfLandings (Number): Total number of landings.

numberOfLandingsNight (Number): Total number of landings that occurred at night.

numberOfTakeOffs (Number): Total number of take-offs.

numberOfTakeOffsNight (Number): Total number of take-offs that occurred at night.

operationType (String): The type of operation, e.g., "COMMERCIAL".

operationalCondition (String): The operational condition of the flight, e.g., "IFR".

pilotFlightType (String): The type of pilot flight, e.g., "SINGLE_PILOT".

precision (Number): Precision approach count.

relatedBooking (String): Reference to the related booking.

requestApproved (Boolean): Indicates whether the request was approved.

requestStatus (String): The status of the request.

requestedOn (String): ISO 8601 timestamp of when the request was made.

role (String): The role of the staff member, e.g., "CMD".

splitDutyBreakEnd (Boolean): Indicates whether the entry marks the end of a split duty break.

splitDutyBreakStart (Boolean): Indicates whether the entry marks the start of a split duty break.

subtype (String): The subtype of the entry, e.g., "EARLY".

takeoff (String): ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the take-off time of the flight.

to (String): ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the end time of the flight.

toAirport (Object): Contains various details about the arrival airport.

travelDocuments (Array): Array of documents related to the travel.

  • customName (String): The custom name of the document.
  • fileSize (Number): The size of the document file in bytes.
  • id (Number): The unique identifier for the document.
  • imageSizeX (Number): The width of the document image in pixels.
  • imageSizeY (Number): The height of the document image in pixels.
  • isThumbnail (Boolean): Indicates whether the document image is a thumbnail.
  • name (String): The name of the document.
  • originalName (String): The original name of the document before any changes were made.
  • uuid (String): The universally unique identifier (UUID) for the document.

type (String): The type of the entry (e.g., duty type or role).

typeRating (String): The type rating of the pilot or crew for the specific aircraft model.

visual (Boolean): Indicates whether the flight is conducted under visual flight rules (VFR).

Flights Payload

"flights": [
			"accountId": 0,
			"accountName": "string",
			"accountReference": "string",
			"accountTrigram": "string",
			"aircraftAOC": {
			  "id": 0,
			  "name": "string"
			"aircraftCategory": "string",
			"airportFrom": "string",
			"airportTo": "string",
			"blockOffEstLocal": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"blockOffEstUTC": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"blockOnEstLocal": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"blockOnEstUTC": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"blocksoffestimated": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"blocksonestimated": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"bookingIdentifier": "string",
			"bookingReference": "string",
			"crew": [],
			"customerFirstname": "string",
			"customerId": "string",
			"customerLastname": "string",
			"customerTrigram": "string",
			"dateFrom": "2020-12-20 09:00",
			"dateTo": "2020-12-20 09:00",
			"eta": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"etd": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"flightId": 0,
			"flightNumber": "string",
			"flightNumberCompany": "string",
			"flightStatus": "string",
			"flightType": "string",
			"fplType": "N",
			"fuelArrival": 0,
			"fuelMassUnit": "KILOGRAM",
			"fuelOffBlock": 0,
			"fuelRemainigActual": 0,
			"operator": {
			  "id": 0,
			  "name": "string"
			"paxNumber": 0,
			"paxReferences": [],
			"postFlightClosed": true,
			"realAirportFrom": "string",
			"realAirportTo": "string",
			"realDateIN": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"realDateOFF": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"realDateON": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"realDateOUT": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"registrationNumber": "string",
			"requestedAircraftType": "CJ3",
			"rescheduledDateFrom": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"rescheduledDateTo": "2023-05-05T12:11:53.992Z",
			"status": "MANUAL",
			"tripNumber": 0,
			"upliftMass": 0,
			"userReference": "string",
			"workflow": "COMMERCIAL",
			"workflowCustomName": "string"

accountId (integer): The unique identifier for the account associated with the flight.

accountName (string): The name of the account associated with the flight.

accountReference (string): A reference string for the account associated with the flight.

accountTrigram (string): A three-letter abbreviation for the account associated with the flight.

aircraftAOC (object): The Air Operator Certificate (AOC) information for the aircraft.

  • id (integer): The unique identifier for the AOC.
  • name (string): The name of the AOC holder.

aircraftCategory (string): The category of the aircraft used for the flight.

airportFrom (string): The IATA code of the departure airport.

airportTo (string): The IATA code of the arrival airport.

blockOffEstLocal (string, date-time format): The estimated time of block off in local time.

blockOffEstUTC (string, date-time format): The estimated time of block off in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
blockOnEstLocal (string, date-time format): The estimated time of block on in local time.

blockOnEstUTC (string, date-time format): The estimated time of block on in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

blocksoffestimated (string, date-time format): The estimated time of block off (duplicate of blockOffEstUTC).

blocksonestimated (string, date-time format): The estimated time of block on (duplicate of blockOnEstUTC).

bookingIdentifier (string): A unique identifier for the booking.

bookingReference (string): A reference string for the booking.

crew (array): A list of crew members on the flight.

customerFirstname (string): The first name of the customer.

customerId (string): The unique identifier for the customer.

customerLastname (string): The last name of the customer.

customerTrigram (string): A three-letter abbreviation for the customer.

dateFrom (string, date-time format): The scheduled departure date and time.

dateTo (string, date-time format): The scheduled arrival date and time.

eta (string, date-time format): The estimated time of arrival in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

etd (string, date-time format): The estimated time of departure in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

flightId (integer): The unique identifier for the flight.

flightNumber (string): The flight number.

flightNumberCompany (string): The company-specific flight number.

flightStatus (string): The current status of the flight.

flightType (string): The type of flight (e.g., commercial, private, etc.).

fplType (string): The type of flight plan (e.g., 'N' for normal).

fuelArrival (integer): The amount of fuel on arrival.

fuelMassUnit (string): The unit of fuel mass (e.g., 'KILOGRAM').

fuelOffBlock (integer): The amount of fuel at the time of block off.

fuelRemainigActual (integer): The actual amount

HomeAirport property is returned in the response only if the crew member have a HomeAirport assigned.